The Two-Year Certificate program is designed to provide foundational knowledge and skills in core practical, historical, and academic areas. Although completion of this program does not guarantee formal ministerial advancement, it is a prerequisite for those who seek ordination and licensure.

A. Program Objectives

The objectives of the Certificate Program are:

1) to assist denominational leaders in the task of preparing material for the licensing and ordination of future church leaders;
2) to provide non-credit academic courses that serve the needs of non-degree seeking students;
3) to introduce students to the fundamentals of the art of homiletics;
4) to provide practical ministry and administrative skills for students; and
5) to assist in the development of basic competencies in Bible, church administration, and theology;

B. Program of Study

The following courses are included in the Certificate Program:

1) Old Testament Part I – This course is the first half of a survey of the history, literature, and religion of early Judaism as it is presented in the collection of writings called the Old Testament.

2) Old Testament Part II - This course is the second half of a survey of the history, literature, and religion of early Judaism as it is presented in the collection of writings called the Old Testament

3) New Testament Part I - This course is the first half of a survey of the history, literature, and religion of early Christianity as it is presented in the collection of texts called the New Testament.

4) New Testament Part II - This course is the second half of a survey of the history, literature, and religion of early Christianity as it is presented in the collection of texts called the New Testament.

5) Evangelism and Missions – This course introduces students to the ministry of Evangelism, Altar Workers Ministry, and Spiritual Warfare. It teaches students how to be effective witnesses and altar workers and how to recognize demonic activity. This course also explores the practical components of witnessing and reaching the spiritually lost.

6) Apologetics – This course teachers the foundational, theological, and practical skills to persuasively respond to the questions, doubts, and skepticism of unbelievers and believers in our world.

7) Church History – This course explores the development of Christianity from its inception in the First Century to Modern times. Some emphasis will be given to the history of the Church Of God In Christ.

8) Introduction to Theology – This course is a basic, yet careful and systematic study of Christian doctrines, including the doctrines of God, the person and work of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and Man. It includes the Holy Bible, the nature and work of the Triune God, creation and providence, angels, humanity, sin, and the doctrine of last things.

9) Ceremony and Ordinance Performance and Basic Christian Ethics - The Ceremony and Ordinance Performance segment of the course is designed to introduce students to the history of the holy sacraments of the Church and their proper administration. The three Ordinances that are studied in the course are water baptism, Holy Communion, and feet washing. The Ordinances of the Church refer to those ceremonial and religious rights which were ordained or instituted by Christ.

The Basic Christian Ethics segment of the course begins a systematic study of the foundations of Christian Ethics and includes standards of right and wrong based on the Christian Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Old Testament prophets, and the New Testament apostles. The course examines how the principles set forth in the Bible affect the decisions that we make and how we approach and interact with others.

10) Hermeneutics - This course focuses on the authority, nature, and interpretation of the Scriptures

11) Homiletics – This course introduces students to the art and craft of sermon preparation and delivery. It demonstrates the importance of ensuring the unity of the theme throughout the development of the sermon. The course includes practical application through evaluation of the student’s written sermons and classroom preaching.

12) Church Administration - This course gives insight into the world of church administration, including the liabilities of staff and volunteers, the handling of paperwork, compliance, the upkeep of a facility, and the management of finances. The course examines how church administration equips the church to be the church and to do the work of the church in a coherent and comprehensive manner. The course also teaches that church administration is the guidance provided by church leaders as they lead the church to use its spiritual, human, physical, and financial resources to move it toward reaching its objectives and fulfilling its purpose.

13) Church and Law Symposium – This activity will bring students, church leaders, and legal practitioners together to examine the legal implications to the Church of current-day laws and practices and explore ways to manage risks to the Church associated with those laws and practices.


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